As-salamu Alaikum, Please be advise that due to Daytime Saving Ends, the Jumuah prayer timings are as follow effective Friday, November 10th, 2023: 1st Khutbah (Arabic): 1pm 2nd Khutbah (Arabic): 2:15pm InshaAllah. Malton Masjid
As-salamu Alaikum, Please be advise that due to Daytime Saving Ends, the Jumuah prayer timings are as follow effective Friday, November 10th, 2023: 1st Khutbah (Arabic): 1pm 2nd Khutbah (Arabic): 2:15pm InshaAllah. Malton Masjid
As-salamu Alaikum, *Important Announcement* *Re: Masjid parking lot is full* Due to funeral, the Masjid parking lot is full and most of church parking lot is being used their congregants *right now*. We kindly request everyone to do car pull and park at other permitted areas around the Masjid while attending Zuhr prayer today (Iqamah - 1:45pm). InshaAllah. Jazakumullah for your cooperation. Was-salam, Malton Masjid
Read Moreبركاته، Ramadhān Mubarak! Alhamdulillah, the moon was sighted within the HCC Matla'. Thus, tomorrow, Saturday, March 1 is the first fast, and tonight is the 1st Taraweeh. Saturday, March 29 will be the 29th of Ramadhân. Allah bless the Ummah, Āmīn
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